Doing it for the 'Gram

Just because I'm studying the nineteenth century doesn't mean I can't join the twenty-first century in having an Instagram account. 

If you are interested in exciting behind-the-scenes, real-time updates on my progress as well as getting notified when I publish new posts to this blog, I suggest you follow the Instagram account accompanying this project! There will also be random fun facts and pictures I find throughout my research on corsets. 

For example, Victorians also had means of editing their photos and it was a popular trend at one point to take pictures and alter them to look like one person was headless. 

You can find me there under the username @living_in_killer_corsets and right now the profile pictures for the Instagram account and this blog are the same. It's me standing in a field holding my dress out like a five-year-old. 

Thank you for your continued interest in this project and I'm very excited to be doing something I am so passionate about!

Until next time, 



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